Youth Sponsorships
WY ACT (Warkworth Youth Actively Contributing Together)
The club supports and sponsors WY ACT. It was developed in 2022 by Trish and Brian Wood (both retired teachers) as well as Danielle Gagnon, club president. WY ACT creates inclusive opportunities for local youth to actively make positive contributions to our Warkworth community, while at the same time seeking platforms which allow youth voices to be heard. WY ACT is for students who live in the Warkworth area and are in Grades 6, 7 & 8. Some of the WY ACT activities include a Hallowe’en Monster Mash Community Party, an Easter Eggstravanza Community Party, collecting food donations with Sleigh Local Hunger, making Christmas and Valentine cards for seniors, operating the drinks booth at the Maple Syrup Festival and helping the club with the Canada Day celebrations. The youth and club supervisors meet twice a month after school at the Warkworth Public Library.
Warkworth Guiding involves girls from ages 5 to 15. They meet weekly in four different age units. They are a big help during the Donnybrook and during the Maple Syrup Festival.
Minor Hockey
We help this large organization by defraying part of the cost of registration for the children as well as the cost of jerseys.
Minor Soccer
The club annually sponsors a soccer team.
Skate Board Park
With the leadership of club member, Bill Issac, the club has supported the various stages of the development of this area for our young people.
The club supports Artworth, a creative two-week summer camp experience for local children since 2006.
Westben Youth Choir
Local youth develop musical skills as they participate in the Westben choir with the club’s financial support.
The Ontario Educational Leadership Centre provides leadership courses for students from across Ontario and our club’s support helps local students participate in this program.
Graduation Awards
Our club provides scholarship awards for students of CDHS and Percy Centennial School.
Bridge Hospice
The club supports this palliative care facility in Warkworth both financially and with membership labour.
Millennium Trail
A lovely walkway along the creek was built and is regularly improved by the club. It begins at the bridge at the foot of Main Street.
Memorial Forest
In harmony with the Millennium Trail, trees are planted in areas along the route and designated as memorials to members of the club who have passed away.
Medical Centre
The Medical Centre was build in 1973 by the club who also maintains and manages It. It houses two general practice doctors, a dentist, and a massage therapist.
Heritage Buildings
The old Town Hall (now the Centre for the Arts) and Library (now the Heritage Centre) are owned by the municipality but the club regularly helps with the maintenance and improvement of these important heritage buildings.
Pavilion/Band Shell
A covered stage area was built in 2005 by the club in Mill Park in the heart of the village. It is available to anyone for open air concerts and shows.
Fire Truck
The club purchased the old Warkworth fire truck in 1998. The club maintains it and use it as the club entry in local parades and events. It helps to raise the club profile and it keeps a bit of our community history in the foreground.
Public Skating
With the local Legion Branch 380, we sponsor weekly, free public skating at the Percy Arena.
Community Improvements
The club regularly donates funds for the upgrading of the area: downtown improvements, festive lighting, building maintenance, etc.
Mill Park Path
A path from the roadway at Old Hastings Road that runs through the park to the pavilion was completed in 2009 with club funds.
Medical Centre
The Medical Centre was built in 1973. The project leader was the Service Club which worked with local and provincial governments to get it built. Many local residents and businesses were instrumental in supporting this project. The Medical Centre Committee looks after renting the offices and the maintenance, repairs and upgrading of the facility.
Two family doctors, a dentist and a Registered Massage Therapist have practices in the Medical Centre.
52 George Street, Warkworth, ON
Application for Support
If your group or organization is looking for funding for a project, event or activity which you believe would enrich our community, please consider completing the application form below and submitting it to the Warkworth Community Service Club.
View/Download: Application For Support Form (PDF 223 KB)